My research Project is on . My question is: Does gambling at the casinos give you a better edge at winning than on the internet casinos? This question makes us wonder whether or not society is gambling online rather than the casinos because of the big computer demand over the past 5 years.

    My hypothesis is that gambling on the internet gives the player a better chance at winning than at the casinos. I am prepared to measure the statistical amount of money that is generated through playing at the casino, and playing on the online casino. I am also prepared to measure the amount of money lossed at a casino compared to an online casino. My dependent variable is the amount of money lossed at each casino, and the independent variable is the amount of time (the last 5 years).



Some of the games that a gambler likes to play at casinos are: Craps, Roulette, Blackjack, Pai-gow, Baccuratt, Texas Holdem and many more!!!

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